Sunday, February 28, 2010

What the sewing machine sees...

When my husband and I made the decision to buy our house, this was one of the deciding factors. Our house sits all by itself inside of a public park. We've got lots of neighbors up on the street side, but we're the only ones whose driveway is in the park. There are public walking trails, softball fields, a playground (not that we have kids!) and a lot of privacy in the winter. In the summer, this place is hoppin! We thought it would be great to have all of the amenities of the park. Some things have been great, but having strangers 10 feet from the front window at all times of day and night has not been all that wonderful. Just one more thing to add to the list of "wants" for our next place...PRIVACY!


  1. have you been sewing away on that fabric stash to help you achieve your dreams??? Keep us updated!

  2. Yes! I started on a wall hanging yesterday, but the corners aren't lining up as well as I'd like them to, so I have some backwards sewing (seam ripping!) to do...will post pics when I'm happy with it. :)
