Friday, June 4, 2010

Peas= Total failure

I wish I had taken a picture of my failed sugar snap peas, but I was so discouraged I pulled them all out before I could. Last year, I had beautiful snap pea plants that produced absolutely wonderful peas. This year, I transplanted them and we promptly had a late frost. I didn't think this would be a problem, but two weeks later we had 90-degree weather. I think they just couldn't make it against the rapidly fluctuating temperatures. The leaves yellowed, dried up, and died. I watered them, I gave them compost and good soil to grow in, they got plenty of sunshine and still they died. I was really looking forward to sugar snap peas!! I planted another row directly outside last weekend, and they have sprouted. I just don't know if they'll have enough cool weather left to thrive in, as it's been almost 90 degrees again a few days this week. So much for Connecticut's temperate growing season!


  1. You can always try again in the late summer/early fall.....

    I'm sorry these failed.

  2. Thanks, I'm trying not to be too discouraged. My first year with veggies, last year, went so much better! That's okay- there's a great farmer's market a few towns over and I'm sure we'll find some sugar snap peas to munch on there. :)

  3. Ya, I hear you on the crazy CT weather this spring. Weird, right?
    Our local Farmers' Market just opened today. :-)
